
Friday, 25 November 2011

A Work Weekend and it may rain out my weekend WOD!

So I have to work this weekend.  Steve and I came up with this great weekend WOD for Sunday morning, but of course, now the weather report says it will be sunny and cold saturday, but rainy sunday.  I guess I shouldn't complain too much.  We've had a great fall, and it's still incredibly warm for Toronto weather.  Now, any self-respecting caveman would get out there, rain and all, and conquer their environment!  We'll see.  I have a family Christmas dinner to go to that night, so maybe not the best day to get freezing cold and muddy and exhausted.  And oh, crap, I just realized I have to cook stuff to take with me sunday afternoon that I haven't even bought yet.  Typical of me.  But I'm thinking roasted beets and carrots.  Simple.  Maybe the stuffed cherry tomatoes on Marks Daily Apple...  I think we're having ham, not turkey (the sacrilege!!).  And spinach squares.  I can easily pass on the scalloped potatoes, but no one has said a word about dessert.  I'm a little worried about dessert.  I just can't say no to pumpkin pie.  Or just about any dessert, really, I'll eat grain-and-sugar free through the whole meal, then fall apart on dessert.  I'll have to pick my battles on this one.  I am of weak willpower...  I might try to make paleo-eggnog.  Maybe I'll luck out and my sister-in-law will make the two desserts Sarah Fragoso of Everyday Paleo made and posted on her facebook (this is not a crazy fantasy; she is also Paleo and she loves Sarah, so I'm sure she's seen the post).  Those pies look crazy-good.  I wish they would just show up at our little un-Christmas dinner party..  Sarah, do you do mail-order yet????

I know, you're thinking, it's not Christmas yet.  My family is pretty busy at this time of year, what can I say???  So it's Un-Christmas for us.  We get to pretend its Christmas this weekend, complete with baked ham, gift exchange and an appearance from my 90+ year-old grandparents....  And I haven't even started shopping yet.  Hmmm.  I'm a pretty crappy daughter, I guess.

So, onto tonight's dinner.  This recipe was adaped from a Canadian Living Magazine recipe I've had for years.  It was, pre-paleo, one of our favorite meatloaf recipes, and took very little tweaking to make it primal/paleo

Salsa Turkey Meatloaf

2 eggs
3/4 c salsa
2 lbs ground chicken or turkey
1/2 c ground almonds or almond meal
half onion, finely chopped
half green or red pepper, finely chopped
1/2 tsp chili powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp cumin
1/4 tsp thyme
1/2 c grated cheddar, optional

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Mix 1/4 c salsa with all other ingredients except cheese.  Form into loaf shape on cookie sheet and top with remaining salsa.  Cook for about 1 hour, check for doneness.  Add cheese, if using, and pop back in the oven for about 5 minutes to melt cheese.  Enjoy with mashed cauliflower.

I know, my husband went a little overboard on the cheese, because unlike me, he is not lactose-intolerant...  The cheese is totally unnecessary and in the past we've forgotten to put it on often.  I don't know what came over him...  Must've been the hunger.

Now, back to my weekend WOD, what do you think?  Do I get out there in the rain and try it anyways?  It may make for some interesting pics!

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