Sunday, 18 November 2012

Paleo Life presents....Fermentation 101

Presenting....Paleo Life, the show!!

Lately, I've been putting in a lot of time on a project called Paleo Life.  As part of the Toronto Paleo Meetup Group (here), and T.O. Paleo Life, the FB page, I've been searching for a way to get the word out there about not just the paleo diet and lifestyle, but also to showcase all of the talent and the brains behind the paleo movement up here in the Greater Toronto Area.  Paleo Life is going to be a 1/2-hour show featuring local paleo advocates, presenting many of the various aspects of paleo life/the paleo movement.  Episodes will include current trends in science research (gut-health, ketosis, the diabetes link) to health and lifestyle (next episode--I'm going to learn MovNat!)

This video was filmed as part of a seminar that we (the GTA-Toronto Paleo Meetup Group with special guest presenter Andra) hosted and presented last weekend at the Toronto Health Studios (thanks Cheryl for letting us use your studio).  The seminar was actually over 2 hours and it was just awesome.  The video recording only caught the first portion of it--all the science, but none of the how-to's.  We covered a lot of different types of ferments that I thought were important to include in the video, so in editing, I went and added in all the recipes that we covered.  I hope you like it--it was my very first recording and I had to do it without a cameraman that day.  I've learned from it--next time have a cameraman and next time place the camera where the viewing audience is so we're looking in that direction)

So here's to  my new beginning--as a YouTube Paleo Life show host extraordinaire.  We have a lot of interesting guests lined up covering a wide range topics for the near future, and there will be several video formats used.  Hope you keep watching and let me know what you think! 

(And if you have an area of expertise that you think the world deserves to learn about, drop me a note!)



  1. Great stuff and can you share the recipe in some sort of show notes as they are not on the video long enough LOL

  2. You're totally right, Danny--there was so much I wanted to show, and so little time to do it in. Maybe I should get Andra to do a couple of guest posts on the blog with much more detailed instructions on how to make those ferments that I've never done.
